Visions and tasks for Indyclass

Some ideas for the future direction of Indyclasses… think about if there’s anything you’re interested in taking on!

Indyclass Tasks



Write a callout for classes in the winter semester (for students, associations, groups on and off campus)

Set up a bulletin board in the arts lounge

Get articles in the Daily and the Tribune early enough for people to form classes

Compile a list of potential topics for future classes

Compile a list of groups that may be interested in starting classes

Compile a list of independent study classes in each program (or other ways!)


Help people find empty classrooms

Get associations to organize collective class evaluations including indyclass promo

Create a step-by-step guide and templates based on the prison class

Opening up experimentation discussions…



Talk to Daviken about where to implement this in the faculty structure and who to talk to

Get a list of associations from AUS

Find someone from each program to meet with their association executive (GAs!)

Get associations to build support in their department

Build awareness and support through the AUS (associations, council, GA)

Get support at SSMU (meet with Nadya again…)


Demands for AUS:

Incorporate ongoing support for indyclasses into their structure (create a position)

Find or create a schedule for empty classrooms

Work with the faculty to get their support


Demands for Faculty of Arts:

Allow us to take more than one independent study course

Make it acceptable for profs to support us

Publicize it through the course calender and on the website

Continue to allow it to be managed and regulated by the AUS (students)



Moving outside of arts

Moving outside of McGill

Moving student control into other classes

Publication of papers\discussion from classes

Online sign-up system





Requirements for the expansion of indyclasses:

Publicity of the idea, spaces, ideas, frameworks for signing up, templates for organizing and syllabus, professors, approval of departments for more than one independent study credit.


Tell people that it is possible, create a step-by-step guide on how to do it, create a place for people to submit class topic ideas and for other people to sign up, create syllabus templates, create an index of independent study courses for each program.


Create a list of on and off campus groups that might be interested in creating classes. Contact these groups and explain to them the ways in which a class could be useful, how it can be done, and what we can do to help.


Put a bulletin board up in the arts lounge of proposed class topics and sign-up sheets.

Topics: militarization, accessible research, financial crisis, privatization of resources…


Have GAs in arts and in departments as a way of publicizing the idea of indyclasses, and getting people to think of topics for classes that would be of interest in their discipline. Get program student associations to organize collective class evaluations, and at each one explain to them that they could create their own class…


Think of how the same concept could be made relevant outside of the university…


Things that McGill could provide:

more than one independent study per student,


publicity and legitimacy and in the course calendar and on the website,

more willingness from profs,

more likelihood of persistence,

less ambiguity of syllabus criteria…

minerva for sign up,

profs\departments involved in topic selection and preparation…

less likelihood of backlash


The importance of:

doing classes not for credit,

finding, creating and claiming spaces,

self-defined legitimacy and communication,

questioning the necessity of profs,

creating affinity with profs,

expanding scope of classes outside of arts and McGill,

openness to all people and approaches,

more flexibility with method experimentation,

more likelihood of challenging topics,

creating an online sign up system,

preparation to defend,

publishing the papers that result from the classes!


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One Response to “Visions and tasks for Indyclass”

  1. Indyclass Minutes Oct. 10 « IndyClass Says:

    […] Cleve wrote up an amazing list of tasks and future possibilities for Indyclass, which is posted here. Anything you’re interested in taking on? Cleve will start by listing up the AUS student […]

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